Sordid Secrets (Lady Athena Book 1) Page 2
I got my wish almost immediately as her palm then connected with my left bottom cheek and I flinched a little.
“Control yourself slut, no flinching. You must take your punishment well and remember that pain is only temporary. My approval lasts a lot longer.” She boomed.
After that, I did my best to remain as still as possible. The smacks rained down methodically on both of my glowing cheeks and I wondered which set of cheeks were the reddest, those on my face or those on my backside.
When my Mistress dealt a particularly hard blow, I pressed my face into her PVC clad leg. It felt cool, slippery and divine. This made me feel closer to Princess and brought me some comfort from the pain.
Mistress seemed to know when she was really pushing me though as when the pain become almost unbearable, she stopped for a moment and rubbed and stroked my cheeks, which was absolute heaven. The mixture of pain and pleasure was something quite beautiful and I knew I would take the pain for her, however hard she struck my behind.
The blows rained down making my eyes water and my cheeks sting. After a series of particularly hard smacks, my bottom felt as if it was on fire. Tears came to my eyes and I buried my face deeper into her leg. I was starting to tremble as I waited for the next blow. The blow never came. I felt her soft hands gently slide over my body and start to caress me tenderly and she whispered softly to me.
“Good girl.”
I felt a hand slip between my legs and over the front of my knickers and I moaned gently at the delicate touch that took me to a place of blissful pleasure. Her other hand slipped around the front and she gently squeezed my left breast, stroking my nipple softly with her fingers. My nipple stiffened instantly and I felt a warm rush to my girly place.
I could feel myself getting wet as she expertly brushed her fingers back and forth over my panties. I couldn’t help myself and ground my pussy towards her hand, then stopped in fear of punishment. I did not want this pleasure to end. It was if I was floating away on a euphoric cloud of sexual Utopia. My body felt weightless, my mind went almost blank and I was hyper aware of Princess’s every touch.
Princess seemed to enjoy touching me. She giggled playfully, a stark contrast to the Mistress I had seen minutes before. It was so different, yet such a thrilling aspect to see the stern Mistress behave so playfully. It made her even more attractive than ever.
At times she uttered soft words, and whilst I was soothed by the melody of her voice, I cannot recall what she actually said as I was lost in a world of my own where pain and pleasure ruled my being.
I was lost in the zone. I felt I was spinning amidst the stars, in utter delirium, lost and reaching a peak of beautiful sweetness. My head swam and I moaned aloud and then to my complete disappointment she stopped.
“Rise.” She said, that strict voice materialising once more and I felt a rush of dismay, followed by a curiosity of what was to follow.
I rose from her lap, my cheeks flushed and a little shame faced. I suppose losing control was appealing to me, but that didn’t make it any easier.
Princess pointed to the 17th century four poster bed in the corner. A luxurious velvet, violet coloured throw was spread across the bed and the matching cushions looked soft and sumptuous.
As I made my way to the bed I felt Mistress’s eyes burrowing into the back of me. I climbed upon the bed and enjoyed how soft it felt against my hands and knees. However, I felt that little pang of anxiety in my stomach. The actual punishments themselves did not phase me nearly as much as not knowing what was going to happen.
I wanted to look over my shoulder and watch Princess to see what she would do. Instead I closed my eyes and waited, feeling a little tense. I am sure if she told me what to expect, I would have felt more at ease, but then part of me loved the suspense.
Mistress approached and then pushed my spine and legs so that I lie full flat on my tummy, my legs and arms apart. She lifted my head and I saw a flash of something sparkly and realised that she was putting a collar around my neck and fastening it. I was now a collared slave and I felt a rush of pride. It felt restrictive and exciting. Princess was my owner now and I her pet. It was as if the collar signified a connection between the two of us. I was Mistress’s property!
Mistress was speaking. I didn’t hear what she said as I was fantasising wildly what would happen next. The pitch of her voice suggested that she had asked me a question though, so hoping for the best I said, “Yes Mistress.” Then I made a mental note to try and pay attention to Mistresses words or I may be severely punished! It seems I had gotten away with my complacency this time as she said nothing. However, I am sure there was some form of punishment coming nonetheless.
I heard her footfalls as she walked back and forth and she boomed “Roll into a doggy position slut”, then a stinging slap struck my bum cheek. It was dealt by some kind of leather implement and I wondered what she had used. How my cheek stung!
I pretended to push my hair back from my face and braved a quick glance and then turned around again immediately so she did not see. Princess held a riding crop. It was made of black leather with a wide purple tip. Like everything in this place, it looked expensive and made to inflict pain.
The second strike did not sting nearly so much and I realised that I enjoyed the sharp sensation of the crop lashing down upon my flesh. This time I took my punishment very well and a new-found confidence arose in me. I could do this!
The lashes came, not in quick concession but slowly and placed with care. Each sting was wondrous and aroused feelings within me that I had never had before. I was a naughty slut and craved this punishment. Each blow was wonderful.
I suppose the biggest thrill of all was submitting to another woman. To allow her to dominate me and be under her power. I was unable to resist.
Then the lashes quickened and I yelped without meaning to, then I quickly pressed my face into the sheets to avoid making this mistake again. Rather than flinch, I arched my back, causing my bottom to meet every strike of the crop.
The last strike was the hardest and caused tears to form in my eyes again but I was exhilarated. I felt full of energy. I suppose this was the endorphins kicking in.
I have heard that pain can sometimes cause endorphins to race around your body and I suppose this is what must have happened.
When the strikes ceased to rain down, there was a long pause and Princess studied my bottom, stroking it with her fingers. She seemed quite pleased with her work and giggled childishly.
Her footsteps echoed as she crossed the room and I didn’t look up as I was almost certain she was going to fetch a more savage implement to punish me with and I didn’t want her to see a look of horror in my eyes and disappoint her.
Her footsteps came closer and I smelled her sweet perfume as she approached. I gripped the bed covers tightly with a knot in my stomach and a wave of apprehension spread through my core.
A low buzzing sound filled the room and then I leapt a little in surprise as something buzzy brushed against my nipple causing them to harden.
I took a glimpse and could see that Princess held a gold vibrator with expensive looking gems embedded in it and I wondered if they were real.
She traced it down my body and moved it slowly over my thighs. I relaxed and sank deeper into the bedroom wanting this more than anything. She glided it across the line of my panties with her expert touch slowly and with precision.
“Good slut” she whispered softly as the toy slid around my thong. She slid the toy lower until it was touching my pussy and it startled me a little. Princess laughed a soft dainty laugh that made me conjure up images of mischievous scantily clad fairies.
This wicked seductress knew exactly how to have me submit completely and totally. My body was on fire and I arched my back. My hips rose to meet the buzzing vibrator. My whole body throbbed from the sweet forbidden pleasure this Goddess was bestowing upon me.
Mistress emitted a moan herself and it was the most delicious, sugar coated sound I had ev
er imagined possible. Her rhythm increased as the toy flicked across my panties. I yearned to slip of my panties and give myself fully to her, but thought better of it. Instead I enjoyed this unexpected treat and prayed for it to never stop.
As she slid the golden wand towards my clit, my mind went to that almost trance like state again. I was falling down deep, then the clouds rose up to meet me and lifted me away, lulling me. I was spinning, dizzy. My breath was rapid and an intense ripple charged through my body like a bolt of energy. I felt as if I was nearing climax. My fingers grasped at the edge of the velvet throw. I pulled it back and bit the silk sheet below, my fingers knotted tightly into the fabric. As I rose upwards, climbing on a ladder to sexual heaven, I knew that I was soon to explode into a kaleidoscope of heavenly bliss. Then without warning she stopped and put the vibrator down. Laughing my Mistress started to back away. Surely, she wasn’t going to leave me like this? Not now! The rest of this is encounter is far too embarrassing to tell and I am still blushing bright red of the thought of what happened as she abandoned me to my thoughts.
Lady Athena
I had been feeling a little lack-lustre as of late, but couldn’t really put my finger on it. I suppose things had become a little dull recently and I felt I was going through the motions somewhat. Of course, no one else would ever guess this. I like to think of my mind as an impenetrable force.
My servants knew better than to question me. I was the puppet master and they were my puppets, their duty was merely to serve me, amuse me, to carry out my whims, my every wish.
I wouldn’t call myself a sadist as such, though I do enjoy humiliating my subs. I am always thoroughly in control, of myself as much as them and I know when to stop, when they have had enough.
I don’t go out of my way to break people, but I do enjoy testing their limits and pushing their boundaries. Lately though, nothing seemed to excite me as much and I often found myself bored and putting on a charade.
I am a good actress as much as anything and I suppose having live in slaves to do everything for me can make me more than a little complacent at times.
The day started with me feeling a little flat inside, which was swiftly followed by agitation, boredom even as I sat in my lounge organising my schedule for the week. Then it had decidedly picked up when I opened the door to this wide eyed, coy looking female.
Looking down at this startling young red head who lie sprawled across my lap stirred something within me, a feeling that I have not experienced for a while. I wouldn’t exactly call it contentment, it was an edgier feeling than that, something more raw and primal. Of course, I wouldn’t reveal these feelings any more than I’d reveal boredom, or apathy. I am a master of my own emotions and only reveal what I choose to. It is beneath me to show weakness or fear. Even when I act in a fit of rage, it is a carefully crafted act, meant to install fear into my slaves.
I suspect you are judging me now. The thing is I know my slaves. Fear is just as exciting to them and as beneficial as a kind word strategically placed. I know how to manipulate them, to toy with them, and adore absolutely every single second of it.
I am the Boss, the Dom, the Mistress. Still, there is nothing wrong with deriving sexual gratification from a recruit. It was one of the perks of the job.
Perhaps, you the reader think you are beginning to know me now? That assumption could not be further from the truth! As if I’d reveal my deepest thoughts, these are merely the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps I’m toying with you now even, allowing you to see a side of me that I want you to see!
Keep guessing!
Anyway, back to the matter in hand. My gaze was drawn back down to the superbly firm bottom that rested over my lap. It was soft, creamy and without a doubt totally compelling. It had been a while since I’d had seen such a pretty bottom across my knee. Generally, my view was older more wrinkled bottoms and it was a pleasure to see one so perfect resting upon me. I took my time stroking it all over and enjoyed watching it quiver with my every touch. I seemed to have this ability to bring instantaneous pleasure to those I touch, just as much as I can cause them pain.
I gently parted my slaves’ legs, building the moment and watching her reactions. Each sigh, each squirm amused me greatly.
My fingers darted around and I paused to stroke the lacy pink thong she wore and brushed my fingers against slave’s pussy lips. This caused her to moan gently and she ground her hips against my legs. I knew without a doubt that she was turned on.
I started with a gentle spanking to lull my subject into a false sense of security. It’s always fun to start slowly, knowing that they want more and then to surprise them with a succession of sharp palm slaps to the buttocks.
Gradually, I began building up the intensity and enjoyed stroking Amy’s soft flesh in between. She flinched a little when the slaps were particularly hard and emitted a low moan. She did her best to please me and take her punishment well.
In between, I cupped her full 34D breasts, stroking them and occasionally pinching her pink nipples until she yelped. This was music to my ears.
The feeling of power over another is intoxicating. I detected something more though. As if something else was awakening inside of me.
My fingers wriggled slowly and teasingly down towards the front of slave’s G string and lightly rubbed as I brought my opposing palm down hard on her backside. I really enjoyed taking my time over this and took note of her reactions. Amy started to breathe heavier and ground her hips with a little more exaggeration. I could feel my sub’s desires growing in intensity and I felt a strong pull in my tummy and a flash of heat rush to my most intimate places. I suppose I could just throw this saucy little harlot right onto the bed, right now, tease and torment till she was soaked and completely ravish her. Where would the fun be in that though? I pushed the thought aside.
"Your bottom looks beautifully pink now" I said in an amused tone.
I could see that she was struggling to read me and looked a little nervous. I ignored her and took my time straightening down my skirts, before turning my attention back to her.
“Go and lie on the bed. " I ordered.
I watched her walk to the bed, the way her legs moved, her calves arching, her bottom wiggling, the way her hair flicked behind her and glistened like burnt amber in the light. I watched her in the way a cat watches a mouse, alert, poised and patient.
Anticipation is such a turn on, so much that the actual act itself, pales in significance. The build-up is exciting and to see the longing in their eyes thrills me unfathomably. Perhaps I enjoy having my ego stroked a little, perhaps I enjoy their suffering. Who knows?
The scarlet haired damsel was now laid on the bed which was made with black satin sheets and I watched as she pressed herself into the silkiness, obviously enjoying the sensation of the soft fabric against her skin. Both sets of cheeks were flushed and her eyes twinkled brightly in the candle lit room. I noted that she kept her legs together, perhaps considering that was what I expected. If she had opened her legs I would have verbally disciplined her for being slutty. I was glad that she had closed her legs, as I could now discipline her for that. Toy with them, ignore them, break them.
“Slave, open your legs. When I am present and ask you to lie down, you must always part your legs for me to show your willingness to serve me.”
“Yes Princess” Amy parted her thighs and I could she was already excited.
I positioned her body, so that she lay fully naked in a star shaped position unable to move. I leaned over her, allowing my breasts to fall in front of her face. I knew she was looking at them and it pleased me.
Pulling back, I lowered my face to her breasts and teased the very tip of my tongue over her erect pink nipples and gently sucked until I heard a soft moan.
I placed a pretty silver collar around Amy’s neck which was studded with diamante letters which read 'SLUT'.
"You are now my property and will be referred to as SLUT” I informed her. “I will test you and see what y
our capabilities are. What happens next depends on how well your responses please me.”
"Yes Mistress" Amy responded her eyes wide and her full lips parted as she took a deep gasp of breath.
I sauntered off to the long rack of implements. I paused a while feeling her agitation rise. I could sense this without even looking in her direction. I always enjoyed being in control and toying with my pets. I studied the selection of crops, whips and paddles. I took a couple out and tapped them lightly against my palm before replacing them, merely an act of showmanship to keep her second guessing. Eventually, I selected a leather riding crop with a wide, tapered tip. A thin tip would mark the flesh much more deeply. There was plenty of time to explore those avenues. For now, I wanted to test her endurance and obedience. Holding the crop low and trailing it behind me, I stared at her unblinkingly. The crop felt surprisingly light in my hand and was made of a soft leather wrap. At the end was a leather flap which I would use to strike her fleshy areas with. It’s surprising how much pain can be inflicted with something so light if swung with the right motion.
“Roll into a doggy position slut” I commanded.
She did as I said a little too quickly, like a dog desperate to please its owner and gain a reward. This amused me greatly. There was an impatience in her eyes and I slowed my movements, gazing at her intensely. I don’t know why having this power over others thrilled me so, but it did and I enjoyed making her wait. I enjoyed her tension and having her completely submit to me.
Slowly, I walked closer, my heels sounding on the floor as I approached her, then I swiftly brought the crop down on Amy’s right buttock. There was a sharp slapping sound and undoubtedly a searing sensation, which forced her to emit a tiny squeak. I watched, smiling as the flesh rippled around the crop.
"Aww my poor baby" I mocked stroking the flesh where the crop had landed. Then I brought the crop down another 6 times connecting with the soft fleshy part of her thighs and backside. She was obviously expecting the punishment, so took it remarkably well. The only thing that revealed her discomfort was the way she buried her face into the sheets. Part of me loathed to mark such a perfect bottom and the other part loved to watch, as it slowly turned pinker until it was a lovely hue. The skin changes too as you begin to mark it and it becomes more raised. I love to place my hands on a freshly whipped bottom and feel the heat rise from it. At present, it was a subtle rose colour spreading across slave’s flesh, with a few deeper red patches, where I had caught her with the crop particularly hard.