Sordid Secrets Read online

Page 4

  If you feel an activity is beyond your limits, you may use the safe word mercy. However, as a result you will be given an alternate activity or punishment according to my will.

  Breaking the rules may be punishable by spanking, flogging or something far more brutal.

  Punishable body parts include; the nipples, backside, cock and scrotum – (oh cripes!)

  Suddenly I didn’t feel like breaking the rules!

  Now our rights had been read, Lady Athena seemed less inclined to hold back in punishing anyone that directly or indirectly stepped out of line. Unfortunately, I was the culprit on this occasion.

  She bellowed which echoed in the cavernous room.

  “Number 2, you seem to have a problem with listening. Over the horse.” She commanded.

  “Sorry Mistress” I said.

  “What seems to be on your mind? Care to share with the group?” she demanded.

  Suddenly I felt embarrassed and idiotic, yet it was strangely arousing having her stare at me with that piercing glare. I couldn’t resist scanning her body with my eyes, even though I was only too aware that she might notice and punish me severely.

  “Sorry Mistress, I was admiring your bottom. It is a lovely bottom.”

  If I thought flattery was going to sweeten Athena’s steel heart I was mistaken. She fixed her cold eyes upon me and pressed her lips tightly together. Her jaw was clenched and I could see her long black fingernails pressing into her sides.

  “Perhaps if you spent less time fixating on my bottom slave, you might have heard the instructions I gave you. Over the horse. Now!”

  I felt like a child. I was a grown man in his forties, a successful CEO and I was being told off like a naughty little boy. In any other setting, if somebody had spoken to me like, that I would tell them where to go. I didn’t breathe a single word though.

  Without argument, I followed the direction of her finger to the wooden horse and propped myself over it. My arms hung forward loosely and my bottom stuck out. This pulled my PVC shorts even tighter against my crotch and I wriggled in discomfort. I felt very vulnerable all of a sudden. My pulse quickened, a mixture of dread and arousal tangling my insides into a vicious knot.

  The blonde villainess clanked a pair of cold metal cuffs around my wrists. I could see little now except the bottom section of the wooden horse I was leant across. I could hear the cuffs rattling though and could feel the cold hard metal as it clamped tightly around my wrists. Immediately I was compelled to test how tightly I was bound by pulling on my chains. The chain was heavy and clanked against the wood in a manner which was deafening.

  All was still for a moment and I wondered if this was my punishment to be left chained and unable to see or take part in today’s session. That would have been the most grotesque form of punishment as far as I was concerned. Then I felt Athena’s fingers undoing my shorts, pulling them down and exposing my bottom for all to see. I think I turned as red as a lobster holidaying in the Sahara Desert.

  Then I heard her say “Now that’s a hairy bottom Slave!” and I wish I had thought to shave this morning or tried one of those wax strips the wife was always using on her legs.

  Her fingers traced a line across my buttocks and I shivered in anticipation. My cock had really lost control of itself now. It twitched hard and I could feel my helmet dig into the wooden horse below me through the thin PVC shorts.

  A loud swishing sound broke my thoughts. It was quite a shock when I felt an agonising sting searing across my buttocks. At first, I had no idea what had just happened. Obviously, I knew this was a punishment, but I had no idea what with. Then I heard it again as it struck me, causing me to flinch as some kind of heavy whip bit into my flesh.

  Whatever she had struck me with seemed to be comprised of various elements. I felt something soft flutter against me and suspected she was using a flogger to whip me with. She drew the implement slowly over my backside. It felt like soft, leathery fronds and I was in no doubt now that it was a flogger she used.

  The flogger lashed down hard, a corner wrapping around my legs and catching me slightly on my erect cock. I felt my balls tighten. Fuck this was good. So bad, but oh so fucking good! The pain was intense, yet taking this punishment from her felt so erotic. Lash after lash fell upon me, a steady rhythm and I started to anticipate each stroke as it landed on my shoulder blades and on my cheeks. It almost burnt as it whipped against my skin, those unforgiving strands raining down hard upon me. Mistress did not miss a beat and with every lash, I became more aroused than I had thought possible.

  Initially the pain was almost unbearable, but after some time I found I started to relax into it. I knew when each stroke would come and the pain was laced with a sweet feeling of exhilaration which made the punishment slightly more manageable. Needless to say, it was not easy by any means.

  “Twelve more strikes slave. Count them.” Athena demanded.

  For some reason, having a number to count down from alleviated some of my mental anguish and this allowed me to focus on the pain and enjoy it, rather than trying to switch off from it.

  I counted 12 lashes aloud with the flogger. Every time she paused I said “Thank you Mistress.” As I had heard the others do.

  Her soft hands stroked my tender cheeks and I started to sag against deeper into the horse. Then her long fingernails dug into the flesh of my flank and raked their way upwards. My body stiffened again and I tensed in apprehension.

  I assumed the punishment was over when she released me, but as I was about to pull up my shorts and hide my erection, she motioned me to be still with a flamboyant sweep of her palm.

  She approached me and took my cock in her hand. My god her touch was electrifying and as I looked up in to her scornful eyes, something terrible happened. I wilted. She had taken my penis in her hands and I had gone flaccid, with nerves no doubt. The shame! I was finally being touched by this glorious goddess and my penis had shrivelled up. I was tempted to check my balls to see if they were trying to wriggle their way back up.

  She started laughing, much to my dismay. There were a few nervous titters around the room, although I hazard a guess that everyone else was secretly wishing they were in my place.

  “Is this all you have - this little dinky?” She asked.

  The humiliation made my cheeks burn. Then I made things worse by saying “It does get bigger Mistress.”

  She tipped her head back and bellowed with laughter. I started to giggle nervously too, although my voice caught in my throat and I sounded like a nervous schoolgirl.

  “Well it couldn’t get any smaller could it Slave?” she admonished. “It’s quite sad and pathetic number 2. Pay less attention to the voice of your little appendage and more attention to my voice or it will suffer the consequences” she threatened.

  I thought that was it, lesson learned and then just as she was turning away, she turned back and pulled down a riding crop onto my hard cock. Searing pain burst through it and I cried out. Shit! It really hurt. For a fleeting second I thought I was going to fall over and then my cock twitched a little and as the feeling came back it began to stiffen.

  “Aaaah interesting.” Mistress taunted. “It seems I have a dirty little pain slut on my hands. No playing up to get punishments or I’ll choose something that you definitely won’t enjoy!”

  She lifted the crop and I shut my eyes like a girl, embarrassing myself further. I hoped no one could see me wince under the safety and cover of the leather hood. I felt her bring the crop down the second time. This time it was more the sound of it thrashing hard against me that made me flinch, rather than the actual sensation. I felt giddy and started to leak a little pre-cum as my cock lapped up the attention. Damn that thing! I was reeling.

  I was struggling to comprehend this latest development. I always knew I enjoyed servitude and being dominated, but pain was a new one to me. I had never thought it could be this arousing.

  Athena motioned for me to pull my shorts up and I was almost disappointed that m
y punishment seemed to be over for now. Then she leaned into me and whispered in my ear “Dirty boy. I may violate you with my strap-on later.”

  I’m not sure if it was her breasts pushing into me, that soft dirty voice or the thought of being taken by her, but I knew now that I wouldn’t be able to say no to her. I knew that I would bend over and take whatever she wanted to give me.

  My cock was aching with longing as much as pain and I’d do anything to be able to make myself cum in front of her. I could just imagine her looking at me through those green narrowed eyes, her lips pursed as she watched me stroking my cock slowly, waiting for permission to ejaculate. I really did feel like a teenager again…this was agony!

  She reached into a deep purple silk clip bag on the side of the horse. It was embroidered with her initials in Black M.A. presumably for Mistress Athena. I saw her take out two rather savage looking clamps and I realised that these were intended for me. Nonchalantly, she opened one of the silver clover clamps and clamped it tightly round my nipple. I flinched hard. It pinched tight and it felt like every molecule of blood had been squeezed from the nipple.

  I tried to be brave as she attached the second clip, but as she closed the mechanism it was even more excruciating than the first clamp. I could only hope I would get used to the sensation. I knew I would do my best to endure the pain for Mistress. I hoped not to disappoint her.

  “Remember always who is boss.” She warned “Or your behaviour will be corrected slut.”

  The clamps were cruel and bit into my flesh hard. She turned away from me and I wondered how long I would have to keep these on for. After a moment or two, the stinging sensation faded somewhat, but I knew that when they came off it would hurt a great deal more!

  It was almost as if Mistress had forgotten me now and I realised I had come to crave her attention. When she turned her attentions elsewhere the feeling that arose within me was akin to jealousy, although perversely, even that thrilled me too. I was like a pathetic lap dog but if being a lap dog meant that Athena was my owner then it was a fate worth suffering I concluded.

  Athena turned to the group and informed everyone that one of us would need to please a recruit and would be trained in the arts of cunnilingus. This would certainly make for a titillating show, but I was less than keen to embarrass myself. I wasn’t sure my skills were up to scratch. Better to leave some other lucky sod to it and I could enjoy the show!

  There was a loud rattling and a groaning noise as the heavy dungeon door opened and Maid appeared. He seemed to be softly whispering to a young woman and patting her reassuringly. I saw them exchange a couple of words then Maid stood aside allowing me a better view of this latest addition.

  She was quite astonishing, a stunning brunette with a willowy figure and firm breasts. She wore a tight shiny black latex dress that allowed her breasts to spill over the top. The fabric clung to her womanly hips and skimmed the tops of her thighs. She wore a leather choker at her throat and a leash made from heavy silver chain. A leather handle hung from it.

  Her long legs were captivating and clad in sheer 10 denier silk stockings, teamed with black shiny boots that screamed ‘fuck me!’ The dress was extremely short and I could see she had no panties on. She had been shaved and I was thankful that I wore the mask. It gave me the opportunity to have a good look without looking like a sexual predator.

  I could see her lady lips were perfectly formed, soft and plump. I wondered what they would look like spread and hoped I would get to see soon. I imagine that every guy in the room was thinking exactly the same thing and as I scanned the room I could see every head craning to look in her direction.

  Her face I could not see as it was obscured by a black mask. The mask was quite elegant with velvet piping and a silver trim around the eyeholes which distorted her features. Rhinestones were embedded into the fabric and twinkled as the light caught them.

  I strained for a closer look. Everyone in the room seemed to be doing the same and the room was eerily silent.

  Maid remained deadpan throughout, quiet, watchful and ready to serve when requested. I wondered if he were as titillated by these events as we all obviously were. If so he certainly did well to hide it.

  Mistress sauntered towards the brunette and took hold of the leash. The brunette slave followed compliantly, tottering slowly in the high heeled boots. On closer inspection, I could see that she did wear panties – tiny black lace ones, but they were around her ankles, forcing her to take smaller steps. Her hips wiggled with every step and there was a heady atmosphere in the room as everyone waited with baited breath.

  “Slaves, Subs, Deviants” began Athena “This is… Amelia. She is my new pet. Amelia is a sub, however remember this. Whilst Amelia is a sub, she is also a female which automatically makes her higher up the hierarchy than any of you. I expect you to treat her respectfully and if I see any uninvited groping, hear any inappropriate comments or any other form of unacceptable behaviour, you will go directly to the Strangler. There, you will spend the rest of the day, in isolation contemplating yours sins. Understood?”

  “Yes Mistress.” came a chorus of subs eager to avoid this particularly abhorrent form of correction.

  The strangler was the modern-day equivalent to a medieval torture device, or so I’d been told. The egg-shaped cage allowed just enough room for a man slave to squat inside. Once inside the contraption, the slave’s balls would be pulled between two bars and then clipped into position and locked. This had the effect of pulling the scrotum downwards and somewhat strangling it, so that the slave was unable to move position, turn or even sit. It was rumoured that after a couple of hours in the strangler, the captive would be so cramped that they were unable to walk properly for several hours afterwards.

  With this in mind, we needed no further persuasion to be on our best behaviour! Just the thought of this made me wince and screw my eyes up tightly as if trying to shut out this horrible mental image.

  Athena lead Amelia into the centre of the stone cavern and every single slave leaned as far forward as they dare without invoking the wrath of Lady Athena. The sub Amelia seemed new to this. She walked with her head bowed and seemed apprehensive. Athena reached out and stroked a lock of Amelia’s hair, smiled sweetly then lead her by the hand to an old, school desk. The desk was painted in a rustic fashion and looked as if it had seen better days. The legs were marked by years of battery – probably from various implements as they caught the legs on route to a slave’s bottom.

  Athena placed her hand on the small of Amelia’s back and pushed gently, causing her to lean over the desk and expose her behind. The girl’s short latex dress rode further up her thighs and her glorious bottom was fully on show. Her cheeks were smooth and taut and it seemed that for one moment everyone in the room held their breath. The latex shone and squeezed her delicious curves, her peachy cheeks popping out underneath the tight fabric in a beautiful arc.

  Athena stroked Amelia’s bottom softly, trailing her long, painted fingernails down the soft flesh and causing Amelia to gasp. She seemed to relinquish every touch, taking her time to explore Amelia’s curves. Then Athena’s posture changed. She stood up straight, inspected her finger nails in a bored fashion and shot us all a look of contempt.

  “I’ll be back, no talking and definitely no touching my new pet.” She said, “Or I’ll see you in the strangler!”


  Light streamed through the window as a male dressed in a French maids outfit and stockings opened the curtains. Squinting I peered through the window at the beautiful rolling countryside that greeted me and rays of sunshine caressed my skin.

  I felt strangely content and happy to be away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Normally I would already be in the office now for my job as an account manager and it felt so luxurious to have a lie in. The sensation of the silk sheets against my skin was divine and I felt reluctant to rise. I rubbed my eyes sleepily as I tried to make sense of what was happening.

chirped the maid in a soft but perky tone. He was around 5'6 and wore a pair of 6 inch heels so he towered above me despite his small stature. He wore a blonde wig with thick golden plaits hanging down each side. Come to think of it, I think I had glimpsed him yesterday wearing a short blonde wig. His eyes were a light blue, soft and placid. His lips were thin, but warm and welcoming and painted in a deep shade of pink. I guessed his age to be about 40. He didn’t have many lines but his eyes crinkled softly at the corners

  I rubbed her eyes in astonishment. "Who are you?" I asked in confusion.

  "I'm here to oversee things and make sure you are ready for the Mistress. Just call me Maid." He replied. "Now come along, it's a big day for you and you need a little grooming.

  At first I was a little taken aback to wake up to a strange male in my room and dressed in such odd attire. Maid just pottered around though tidying up and chatting away in such a relaxed manner it was impossible not to warm to him. I don’t think I had ever seen a man in a dress before, let alone wearing blonde plaits but Maid was certainly very comfortable in his own skin and had the aura of someone who was calming and easy to be around.

  “Come on, up you get sleepy bones” he said mixing his metaphors as he held out a fluffy white dressing gown. Then as if remembering his manners, he dramatically turned away and put one hand over his eyes. “Silly me, I always think of myself as one of the girls, but you don’t know me yet.”

  I slid out of the bed and took the proffered gown with thanks, slipped it on and belted it at the waist.

  “You work for Athena?” I asked.

  “Oh, I am practically part of the furniture darling!” Maid said tossing one plait behind his shoulder as he straightened the bed and plumped the pillows. “Lady Athena has had me in her service for around 8 years now. The hours are long and she can be very demanding, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!” he said with a big grin.

  “So, you are the house maid?” I asked hesitantly.

  “House maid, part time chef, dresser, make-up artist, camera person, advisor, general dogsbody. You name it I do it, so anything you need that will make your stay here more comfortable, you just let me know.”